Step 1- building the vocabulary through a film and a documentary analysis - 2 hours
- Discovering the context with an extract of the beginning of "Some like it hot" by Billy Wilder
- When ?
- Where ?
- What ?
- Why ? - making suggestions
- Discovering the prohibition with the documentary from "History.com" : Prohibition video
- When ?
- Where ?
- Who ?
- Why ?
- With what consequences ?
- Summary thanks to a mental map
Step 2 - webquest on Al Capone - 1 hour
- Gathering a maximum of key information concerning his life : origins - childhood - school years - profesionnal activities - criminal activities - family life - jail time - death - burial place
- Selecting images of his life
Step 3 - making an itinary of his life on Google Earth - 2 hours
- Writing the texts
- Creating the itinary on Google Earth