- Lire : Je sais identifier des informations précises dans un texte authentique assez long (B1)
- Extract from an Irish geography textbook
- Réagir et dialoguer :
- Dire ce que je pense, dire si je suis d’accord ou pas et explique (B1)
- Echanger des informations factuelles (B1)
- Extract of « Today’s world » - Irish geography texbook
- Extract of a BBC article – “Belfast divisions”
Set up
- Step one : identifying and understanding the divisions at national scale / at local scale
- Writing down the information on a map
- Step two : exchanging the information gathered
- Step three : creating a map of Ireland / Belfast underlining the divisions.
- Ireland – a divided nation
- Treaty of Ireland Act 1921
- Two countries
- Republic of Ireland since 1949 – Eire 1937-1949 – Free State 1921-1937 = 26 counties
- Northern Ireland / Ulster = British territory = 6 counties
- Two nations
- Nationalist – Catholics – aspiring to independence
- Unionist – loyalist – Protestant – remaining in the UK
- Two Belfast
- Catholics areas – catholic streets – Springfield road
- Protestant areas – protestant streets – Tiger’s Bay
- Peace walls – disused houses – waste lands – gates
Final productions