Collège - 5e Lectures

Lecture 1 - King Arthur - History and British litterature and language

King arthur


Step one – Creating a map of the kingdom of King Arthur – deadline: Thursday, October 17th

  • List the locations mentioned in the book: foreign people, kingdoms, cities, relief (mountain, lake, river), forest.
  • Locate them on a draft of map of the United Kingdom and Britany.
  • Create, on a A3 paper, your final map including drawings, colours inspired from the Middle Ages style.

Step two – Taking notes on one of those two topics – deadline: Thursday, October 17th

  • Women in Arthur’s kingdom.
    1. List the different key women mentioned in the book.
    2. Gather information about the way they look, the way they behave and their personality.
  • Knights in Arthur’s kingdom.
    1. List the different key knights mentioned in the book.
    2. Gather information about the way they look, the way they behave and their personality.