1) Financial issues
- Each country should provide, for the visit in Lithuania, a basic budget for the visit to their country.
- Each country should provide a detailed budget for the visit to their country at least two months prior to the date of the encounter.
2) "Young photographers" exhibition in Lithuania
- Each country should bring 10 pictures on a A4 format.
- No theme imposed.
3) Voting for the best European photographer
- Each country is going to post on the blog one picture per photographer.
- Each country is going to organize the vote for the best European photographer as it is the most convenient for him.
- The result will be published on the blog.
4) The calendar
- The calendar will be realised with a selection of the pictures taken by the pupils and presented during the "Young photographers" exhibition in Lithuania.
5) Pictures from Sweden
- Post 5-10 pictures from the visit in Sweden.
- To send to Lean a link of the presentations of all activities you have made in your country, (for example visit photo exhibition and having an educational lesson by artist etc.) to present on the homepage
7) Presentations to Poland
- Make sure taht all your presentation have been given to Poland = presentation of our school, presentation of history of photography and presentation of famous photographer