Link to the website of the Museum
On Friday, January the 17th, we paid a visit to the "Musée de la photographie" which is the biggest European museum dedicated to photography. A guided visit and an activity were organised for the students.
During the guided tour, several pictures were studied : some focusing on the history of photography technics such as daguerreotypes, some focusing on the structure of the picture and some focusing on the reading and understanding of the pictures.
In the corridor of the Carmel of Mont-sur-Marchienne which is now used by the museum.
A table with daguerreotypes.
Up the stairs in the new part of the museum.
A big stenope taken thanks to a caravan.
New part of the museum.
View on the garden.
During the activity, the students used a camera obscura and developped by themselves their pictures.
The camera obscura we used.
Waiting, waiting for the pictures to be taken by the camera obscura.
Waiting, waiting for the pictures to be taken by the camera obscura.
In the dark room with red light, preparing the camera.
Developping the pictures.
Developping the pictures.
Developping the pictures.