Honorable members of the COP:
The United States of America is a powerful nation, but has many faults when it comes to adapting to climate change. As the number 1 economic power we have the ability to change the course of our country to set it on the way of green energies, net zero carbon emissions, and environmental responsibility. We have to show the world the example of how to deal with climate change, and break away from the previous administration which showed no regard to the problem of climate change. We vow to modify our economical structure and our community structure to build the future of the United States in a better way. The United States engages climate change as a threat to the integrity of humanity and to the future of our nation.
The main cause of climate change is without a doubt, carbon emissions. The United States is ready to change its ways of production, consumption, and construction in order to secure a carbon free future. First of all, the United States are rejoining the Paris agreements to improve global action against climate change. The Green New Deal will be introduced as soon as president-elect Biden is in office, and promises 100% clean energy economy and net zero emissions by 2050. We vow to make historic investments in clean energy and climate research and development. Improving the energy efficiency of our buildings is one of the ways we will improve the carbon footprint of our industry. Based off the Recovery Act, president-elect Biden will set a target of reducing the carbon footprint of the U.S. building stock 50% by 2035. Improving clean energy production is crucial to developing a green future, and we encourage all policies that improve on this sector. Furthermore, we will use, if necessary, our economic leverage and our power of example to rally the rest of the world to respect the agreements and improve the durable aspect of the world economy. The coordination of policies at a global level is crucial to organize an effective response against climate change, and we will use our assets to accomplish this.
The United States is ready to make large investments abroad to avoid environmental migration by keeping these populations where they are. We wish to create peaceful environments within these countries. We promote and urge the construction of sea walls, storm water pumps and upgrading sewage systems to slow down the rise of sea levels. Along with the calls for financial help to invest in solutions, we recognize that countries directly impacted by migration are the ones that contribute the least in gas emissions and should receive important support from the more responsible countries.
The United States recognises the importance of working towards the SDG 11. Our country strives to build sustainable cities and communities. This administration will establish an enforcement mechanism that includes milestone targets during the presidency to ensure to good flowing of progress. Our current infrastructures are not environmentally sustainable. We vow to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings by accelerate the building code process and create a new funding mechanism for states and cities to adopt strict building codes and train builders and inspectors. This new administration is prepared to accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles. There are now one million electric vehicles on the road in the United States but few charging stations. As President, Biden will work towards the deployment of more than 500,000 new public charging outlets by the end of 2030. The largest car manufacturer by market cap is Tesla, an american company. We wish to continue this trend by offering an environment prone to the emergence on new businesses. Today, the United States is lagging behind the rest of the world’s railroad system. This administration vows to kickstart a second great railroad revolution, unlocking a cleaner way to travel. We are going to make a $1.7 trillion investment in clean energy and climate research and development. Most of this financing will be directed towards the communities most threatened by climate change. We will be able to leverage a further $5 trillion to expand this research. The Unites States will also influence communities to develop clean transit for their growing populations. It will also promote the dedication of bicycle and pedestrian thoroughfares, and first- and last-mile connections. Moreover, these investments will be directed to infrastructures able to withstand the challenges and impacts of climate change.
Along with other nations, we will work towards a better future for out planet. Together, we will tackle climate change and stop the increase of global temperatures.