Negociations en direct
Final convention text

Vote of the resolutons after negociations

RESOLUTION 1: reduction of CO2 emissions through carbon neutrality 

Encourage the transition to renewable energies by 50% in 2100

  • 9 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Incite a participation of nations in “sustainable development collaboration” programs with big scale corporations, financing a collaboration between local experts and their research and development funds in exchange for yearly reports on the progress, expliciting the use of the funds for technological advancement, making the industries more efficient and less polluting on the long term, 

  • 10 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Highlight the importance of partnerships between nations for a more optimal management of resources and industries

  • 8 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Reaffirm the need for adaptation of national industries, needing to turn to locally exploitable renewable energies, financial support made available by collaboration with big scale companies and the United States if the countries agree to meet the predetermine norms of production

  •  3 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected

RESOLUTION 2: environmental migrations

Urges the construction of sea walls, storm water pumps and upgrading sewage systems to slow down the rise of sea levels with the financial support of the greater financial powers

  • Creation of a UN financing commission
  • Certain regions can propose projects needing finance
  • International commissions choose projects to send to the UN and a team of experts will validate, or not, the project
  • 7  delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Recognising that countries directly impacted by migration are the ones that contribute the least in gas emissions and should therefore receive important financial and humanitarian support from the more responsible countries.

  • 8 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Calls for good emergency planning and adaptation policies which mitigate the wet and dry extremes of our changing climate that will reduce pressures on migration

  • 7 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Advises the raising of awareness of the EU-funded project implemented by IOM on 'Mainstreaming Migration into International Cooperation and Development' (MMICD project) that developed a video that serves as both a training and outreach tool to showcase the #MigrationConnection

  • 0 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected

RESOLUTION 3: working towards the SDG 11  

Urges member states to promote and research for vehicles not powered through fossil fuels, keeping in mind that a change like this would take large investments not only for their implementation but to support countries that rely on fossil fuel extraction

  •  4 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected

Recommends member states to set a limitation of use of natural gas

  • 4 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected

Recommends all countries to encourage popularization of transportation that run on more efficient or zero emissions 

  • 9 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Calls for member states to incentivise the use of green technologies for commercial and consumer purposes

  • 11 delegations out of 11 - resolution carried

Encourages MEDCs to help LEDCs in financing the initial investment of switching to greener technologies 

  • 5 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected

Requests creation of minor biyearly goals created by member states to guide the accomplishment of long term goals

  • 4 delegations out of 11 - resolution rejected


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