LFJM COP - resolution 2
About the conference

LFJM COP - resolution 3

Working towards the SDG 11

SDG 11

Proposed by Hannibal Anthon, Luka Citron, Galadriel Daufresne, Scarlet  Wilson Delaye 

The promotion of new strategies to work towards the accomplishment of the eleventh SDG: sustainable cities and communities.

Noting with deep concern that fossil and non-renewable energies are highly polluting and typically found in specific regions of the world, making it difficult to extract and access. For example, oil drilling could require stripping Canada’s boreal forest with specific technologies, the act itself leading to several dangerous natural disasters. However, mentioning that access to renewable energies, such as solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power, biomass energy, geothermal energy, tidal and and wave energy.

Stressing that climate change is not stopping and will only get worse

Recognizing that changing traditions and infrastructure is difficult and will take time

Keeping in mind the possibility of conflicts over fossil fuel resources regarding their dependency on such industries

Concerned about reports from the Center for Biological Diversity which state that globally 15 percent or more of man made carbon dioxide is derived from cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and other modes of transportation

Cognizant of the level of dependency placed on petroleum and furthermore acknowledging that approximately 96% of transportation fuel is in the form of petroleum

Referring to the fact that only with international unity can climate change can be reversed by developing green transportation and other countermeasures
- Urges member states to promote and research for vehicles not powered through fossil fuels
- Recommends member states use natural gas
- Recommends all countries to encourage popularization of transportation that run on more efficient or zero emissions
- Calls for member states to incentivise the use of green technologies for commercial and consumer purposes
- Encourages MEDCs to help LEDCs in financing the initial investment of switching to greener technologies
- Requests creation of minor biyearly goals created by member states to guide the accomplishment of long term goals


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