Category 8
National Dish- Żurek
by Jerzy S.
How to make sourdough:
Pour a cup of rye flour so much hot water that was loose dough (about 1 1 / 2 cup). Cool. Pour 2 cups of lukewarm water, put the skin of whole-meal bread (you can also add 2 cloves of garlic), mix. Sourdough pour into a glass jar, cover with gauze, tie, stopped for 2-3 days in a warm, dark place.
How to make żurek :
Cook the egg and white sausage. Add to the boiling water boullion, allspice, dried mushrooms, onions and garlic. Fry bacon. Pour before prepared sourdough into boiling boullion, mix. Chop the boiled eggs and white sausage. At the end add chopped eggs and sausage, fried bacon, marjoram and horseradish for the pot.